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Archives: 2009 to 2018...



July 2019 


WE BUY JUNKERS! Got an old heap decorating your lawn or pasture? We buy vehicles for scrap (running or non-running), UP TO a value of $500. Call Andrew from Enfield Buy Sell Trade on his direct line, 902 499-5889, and, if your vehicle is suitable, he'll send the big red truck & trailer to take your junker away!  Service available in Truro, Brookfield, Bible Hill, Debert, Masstown and surrounding areas.  www.facebook/com/enfieldbuyselltrade


Seamstress Services Available in Masstown-Hemming and alterations. Call Tanya at 902-814-2194.

For Sale

FOR SALE: Naturally grown garlic available for table and planting. Rocambole Marino variety. Inquire about pricing and shipping with Ballymena Farm, Parrsboro, NS, 902-216-0966.

FOR SALE: Men’s skates, size 9, like new. 902-641-2287 or 902-814-8323.

FOR SALE: 4 tires 195 60R 15. Can be seen at Apartment 17 ,49 Lorneville Road, Great Village, or call 902-655-2061.

Dog Daycare

Dog Daycare and training in Great Village. Daycare Monday and Thursday. Classes, Monday to Friday, 9-5. Professional services to fit all lifestyles and schedules. Call, stop in or visit website: 902-986-1974. Cross Road Boarding, Training and Behaviour Services.

Local Crafts

Reid's Knits & Crafts, 11115 Hwy #2 Masstown N.S. Open May-Sept, Mon-Fri 10 am-5pm, Sat, Sun & Holidays 9am-5pm or by appointment. 902-662-3370

Kayla’s Kreations

Services Available: Seamstress, garments, alterations and window coverings; Animal care (pet and farm); custom pet beds, custom dog coats, natural dog cookies. Contact Gail for quotes at gailspoodles44@outlook.com 902-700-2940, located in Five Islands.

Home Services

Organization for home and office; Home support, food prep, shopping, appointments; Tutoring; Child sitting and Respite care. Contact Gail for quotes at gailspoodles44@outlook.com 902-700-2940, located in Five Islands.


China Pattern called St James, by Minton. 2 or more place settings including soup bowls, dessert dishes, mugs and teapot. Reasonably priced. Phone 902-895-2233. Mornings best.

Filter Queen Vacuum Cleaner in mint condition. Reasonably priced. Phone 902-895-2233. Mornings best.

One or two very large Rhinestone, colourful pins from yesteryears. No stones missing. Phone 902-895-2233. Mornings best.

Facebook Pages

Need a Facebook Page for your group or business? Experienced web design & marketing company Athena Computer Solutions serves Central NS and now specializes in Facebook Pages. Setup & customizing, training & support, maintenance & marketing, we’ve got the combo of services that’s right for your business or group! Facebook is an affordable & powerful tool for online promotion, but setup and use is different from Personal Profiles and can be tricky. See some of our samples at facebook.com/athenacomputersolutions – some I maintain, some the owner’s maintain! Call or email 902 414-1797, or info@athenasolutions.net


MANUFACTURER'S OFFER - Unique and exclusive opportunity, Automatic vending machine routes, Extremely profitable. Customers provided by company. Investment required, funding available. 100% turnkey project. Toll-Free 1-877-358-3023.


GET UP TO $50,000 from the Government of Canada. Do you or someone you know Have any of these Conditions? ADHD, Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, Cancer, COPD, Depression, Diabetes, Difficulty Walking, Fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowels, Overweight, Trouble Dressing...and Hundreds more. ALL Ages & Medical Conditions Qualify. Have a child under 18 instantly receive more money. CALL NOVA SCOTIA BENEFITS 1-(800)-211-3550 or Send a Text Message with Your Name and Mailing Address to (902)701-1245 For Your FREE Benefits Package.


Let us be thankful for the institution of the Christian Sabbath. It is a thing wherein God has shown His mercy to us and His care for our souls. He shows that He, by His infinite wisdom, is contriving for our good as Christ teaches us that the Sabbath was made for man. It was made for the profit and comfort of our souls. Jonathan Edwards.


Say NO to FAKE NEWS! 63% of Canadians can’t tell the difference between real and fake news. Now more than ever Canada needs truthful LOCAL journalism. Add your name to the list of supporters who want to keep reliable LOCAL news alive at www.newspapersmatter.ca.


STEEL BUILDING SALE ... "MEGA MADNESS SALE - BIG CRAZY DEALS ON ALL BUILDINGS!" 20X21 $5,868. 25X27 $6,629. 30X31 $8,886. 32X35 $9,286. 35X35 $12,576. One End Wall Included. Pioneer Steel 1-855-212-7036 www.pioneersteel.ca


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Maurice Rees, Publisher
The Shoreline Journal
Box 41, Bass River, NS B0M 1B0
PH: 902-647-2968; Cell: 902-890-9850
E-mail: maurice@theshorelinejournal.com