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Archives: 2009 to 2017...



December 2017

Thank You

Logan and I would like to thank our family and friends for helping us celebrate our 50th Wedding Anniversary on October 21. It certainly was a surprise but very much appreciated and enjoyed. Thanks to all. - Audrey and Logan Spencer.

Thank You

We, the parents of Jeff Davis, would like to thank everyone who attended the recent fund-raising dance at the Debert Legion for Jeff and Carter. Thank you to the Legion for providing the venue, to the band for the awesome music, Bev Beaton for her ingenuity, Gena Priest and Carrie Barclay for their behind the scenes work, Erin Barclay and Tyler Murray for their balloon management, Betty and Robert Davis for helping clear tables, Betty Jennings for being a great AUNT Betty, Larry Giddens for being auctioneer and a good talker and to Mr. Roach, thank you! If we missed anyone, I am truly sorry, but know we are very appreciative. Last but not least, thank you to the two wonderful young men who worked so hard to bring this function together. You can be very proud of the job you have done, and we will be forever in your debt. Thank you to the community for all your support and a big thank you to those who have donated on the GoFundMe page. We would like to thank THE SHORELINE JOURNAL, Maurice Rees and Linda Harrington for all of their support. - Gwen and Bob Davis


Seamstress Services Available in Masstown-Hemming and alterations. Call Tanya at 902-814-2194.

Open House

You're Invited to The Spoonery Woodenware & Needful Things Christmas Kitchen Party Open House Sun, Dec 10th 10am-3pm. 113 Masstown Rd. Ph: 902-641-2194.


Fridge in working order for summer cottage, reasonably priced. Prefer around Parrsboro area. Ph: 902-254-3246; Cell: 902-254-0280.

For Sale

FOR SALE: Naturally grown garlic available for table and planting. Rocambole Marino variety. Inquire about pricing and shipping with Ballymena Farm, Parrsboro, NS, 902-216-0966.

FOR SALE: Men’s skates, size 9, like new. 902-641-2287 or 902-814-8323.

FOR SALE: 4 tires 195 60R 15. Can be seen at Apartment 17 ,49 Lorneville Road, Great Village, or call 902-655-2061.

FOR SALE: Ford Class "C" motorhome. Needs universal joint installed. Probably needs refrigerator. Low price, must be sold soon. Great unit to drive around Nova Scotia or to put on a lot, or set up for bass fishing. Phone: 902-890-9850.

FOR SALE: Bags of Kindling, plus kindling and wood mix. $5.00 per bag in Truro. Ph: 902-899-4075.

Dog Daycare

Dog Daycare and training in Great Village. Daycare Monday and Thursday. Classes, Monday to Friday, 9-5. Professional services to fit all lifestyles and schedules. Call, stop in or visit website: 902-986-1974. Cross Road Boarding, Training and Behaviour Services.

Local Crafts

Reid's Knits & Crafts, 11115 Hwy #2 Masstown N.S. Open May-Sept, Mon-Fri 10 am-5pm, Sat, Sun & Holidays 9am-5pm or by appointment. 902-662-3370

Kayla’s Kreations

Services Available: Seamstress, garments, alterations and window coverings; Animal care (pet and farm); custom pet beds, custom dog coats, natural dog cookies. Contact Gail for quotes at gailspoodles44@outlook.com 902-700-2940, located in Five Islands.

Home Services

Organization for home and office; Home support, food prep, shopping, appointments; Tutoring; Child sitting and Respite care. Contact Gail for quotes at gailspoodles44@outlook.com 902-700-2940, located in Five Islands.


Wanting to buy unwanted or no longer used firearms (rifles, handguns, etc.) of any types, hunting or trapping items also. Call Bruce 902- 899-6350.    

Wanted: Lava Lamp with reddish circulating blobs, reasonably priced. Ph: 902-895-2233, mornings, after 9:30 am, or evenings.

Locks / Keys

Attention Landlords! Need new locks or keys? A new security system? Bill Borden Lock Smithing in Central NS specializes in commercial properties. Apartment houses, shops & offices, garages, warehouses & more. Give us a call at 902 456-9510 or drop us a line at locksbybill@gmail.com to discuss your specific security needs. Visit our web site or Facebook page to learn more about our services – www.locksbybill.com and www.facebook.com/locksbybill - LOCK SHOP OPENING IN ENFIELD IN DECEMBER!


Need a Facebook Page for your group or business? Experienced web design & marketing company Athena Computer Solutions serves Central NS and now specializes in Facebook Pages. Setup & customizing, training & support, maintenance & marketing, we’ve got the combo of services that’s right for your business or group! Facebook is an affordable & powerful tool for online promotion, but setup and use is different from Personal Profiles and can be tricky. See some of our samples at facebook.com/athenacomputersolutions – some I maintain, some the owner’s maintain! Call or email 902 414-1797, or info@athenasolutions.net


SAWMILLS from only $4,397 - MAKE MONEY & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info & DVD: www. NorwoodSawmills.com/400OT 1-800-567-0404 Ext:400OT.


EMERGENCY DEVICE FOR SENIORS - Free Equipment, Monitored 24/7. Stay safe in your home for less than $1.00 a day, For Free Information Guide Call Toll Free 1-888-865-5001 or www.LifeAssure.com.

DISABILITY? ADHD? - Do you have a DISABILITY? We can help you get up to $50,000 back from the Canadian Government. BBB AccreditedFOR DETAILS CALL US TODAY Toll-Free 1-888-875-4787 or Visit us at: disabilitygroupcanada.com.

GET UP TO $50,000 from the Government of Canada. Do you or someone you know Have any of these Conditions? ADHD, Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, Cancer, COPD, Depression, Diabetes, Difficulty Walking, Fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowels, Overweight, Trouble Dressing...and Hundreds more. ALL Ages & Medical Conditions Qualify. CALL THE BENEFITS PROGRAM 1-(800)-211-3550.


STEEL BUILDING SALE ..."FALL CLEARANCE SALE ON NOW!" 20X21$5,990 Front & Back Walls Included. 25X25 $6,896 One End Wall Included. 32X33 $8,199 No Ends Included. Check Out www.pioneersteel.ca for more prices. Pioneer Steel 1-855-212-7036.


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Maurice Rees, Publisher
The Shoreline Journal
Box 41, Bass River, NS B0M 1B0
PH: 902-647-2968; Cell: 902-890-9850
E-mail: maurice@theshorelinejournal.com